School-Friendly AI
Our AI is trained to be an expert in school questions and topics right out of the box.
Answer Quality Tools
Custom FAQs (not required), AI website training, and answer feedback help improve chatbot answers.
Contact Us Routing
Route questions to specific staff members (if person is needed) based on topic.
Language Translation
English, Spanish, and 10 other languages available. More coming soon!
Question level data that gives you a real time passive focus group and measurement of stakeholder needs.
Use Multiple Chatbots
Districts can build unlimited chatbots, from district-wide to school site or topic specific.
Product FAQ
If the chatbot doesn’t know how to respond, the stakeholder is given multiple options all within the chatbot: search the website, ask another question, or submit a contact us form.
Website search is just a keyword search with no intelligence and limited data. Search doesn’t improve over time and is completely dependent on what words you use in your search. Search lacks conversational or discovery features that create a great customer experience, and all the work is on the stakeholder to sort through the results to find the best information.
Chatbots use Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing to interpret and understand what exactly a stakeholder wants when they ask a question. Chatbots organize and return the best answers and information. Chatbots also automatically improve from each interaction, work in multiple languages, and provide insightful analytics on the most popular questions and topics.
Yes, the chatbot can be embedded easily on any website in just a few minutes.
Chatbots are embedded on your website using a script (few lines of code). You can embed chatbots across your entire website or individual pages. No integrations required.